There Really Is a Mabel….and a Rose

These are my two grandmothers, Mabel Taylor and Rose Beresford.  They were my inspiration for naming my blog and my store.

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6 Responses to There Really Is a Mabel….and a Rose

  1. Patti says:

    What a beautiful site! Can’t wait for more ramblings!

  2. Susan says:

    When I walked through the door for the first time I was met with: a grinning dog who was so content he didn’t bother to get up and welcome me, he just kept grinning his greeting; a weathered and kinda rugged looking man who looked as if he belonged on the gulf, yet he was diligently pecking away on his computer and had a twinkle in his eye, the sound of laughter and more laughter coming from the back room which is Mable Rose, and the beautiful, glowing and never without a smile face of proprietress Lynette (though Mable Rose has the air of having a life of it’s own and therefor not being ‘owned’). I haven’t been the same since!

  3. Patti says:


    That is exactly the way you feel when you come in to Mabel Rose. It really has a great feel!!! Everyone should go there and experience!

  4. Patti says:

    hey! What has been happening at Mabel Rose lately?

  5. Susan says:

    I dropped in today to buy some of Patti’s delicious apple cake! So good to see both Lynette and Patti there…welcome home Patti! Browsed around and left not only with cake but found interesting items and left with some! I like the way you add and change the set up girls!

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